Marvel Epic Collection / Fantastic Four 7 - Battle of the Behemoths

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Only an artist as immortal as John Buscema could fill Jack “King” Kirby’s Galactus-sized shoes on Fantastic Four! “Big John” joins Stan the Man on a timeless run in this collection of FF from the early ’70s: Johnny Storm and Crystal develop their romance, while Ben Grimm learns to change into Thing at will; Reed Richards takes on Annihilus and Janus in the Negative Zone, and none other than Doctor Doom teams up with the FF to face the awesome threat of the Over-Mind! Plus: Gabriel the Air-Walker debut as Galactus’ new herald, and he’s arrived on Earth to force the Silver Surfer to submit to the Big G’s will—or the Earth dies! All this plus the return of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon!

COLLECTING: Vol. 7: Fantastic Four (1961) 105-125, Annual (1963) 8-9 covers only

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Fantastic Four (Vier Verdedigers)
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Epic Collection
Subreeksen/Deel: Fantastic Four 7
Verschijningsdatum: 2021
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302929138
Scenarist(en): Lee, Stan
Tekenaar(s): Ditko, Steve
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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