X-Men - Marvel Premiere Classic - Iceman

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X-Men - Marvel Premiere Classic
€ 24,95


Bobby Drake, the X-Men's coolest hero, gets the spotlight all to himself in a fun-filled, time-tripping adventure that takes him from the safety of his parents' home to a point in time decades before he was born. Family issues, alien beings, miniature time machines, and a struggle against the deadly and enigmatic being known as Oblivion all play a part in this story that illustrates just how powerful a force of nature Iceman can be on his own!COLLECTING: ICEMAN (1984) 1-4, material from BIZARRE ADVENTURES 27

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: X-Men (X-Mannen)
Reeks/Deel: X-Men - Marvel Premiere Classic
Verschijningsdatum: 2012
ISBN: 9780785162759
Scenarist(en): DeMatteis, J.M. , Duffy, Jo
Tekenaar(s): Alcala, Alfredo , Kupperberg, Alan , Pérez, George
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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