Asterix - Engelstalig 40 - Asterix and the White Iris

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Asterix and the White Iris
Asterix - Engelstalig 40
€ 18,95


A strange new philosophy is gaining popularity amongst the Roman soldiers. When its enchanting influence reaches the Gauls, everything they once held dear is turned upside down.

As news of the dire situation reaches Asterix and Obelix, they embark on a thrilling quest to confront the source of the influence and restore the indomitable spirit of the Gauls. Armed with their trademark humour, bravery, and trusty magic potion, can our heroic duo save the Chief's wife and break the spell of the White Iris?

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Asterix en Obelix
Reeks/Deel: Asterix - Engelstalig 40
Verschijningsdatum: Week 48, december 2023
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781408730218
Scenarist(en): Conrad, Didier
Tekenaar(s): Fabcaro (Fabrice Caro)
Genre(s): Geschiedenis, Humor
Uitgever: Sphere

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