Vampire Knight / Vampire Knight - Memories 1 - Memories - Volume 1

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Memories - Volume 1
Vampire Knight / Vampire Knight - Memories 1
€ 10,99


After a fierce battle between humans and vampires, a temporary peace was established, but Kaname continued to sleep within a coffin of ice… Yuki gave Kaname her heart to revive him as a human being.

These are the stories of what happened during those 1,000 years of Kaname’s slumber and at the start of his human life.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Vampire Knight
Reeks/Deel: Vampire Knight
Subreeksen/Deel: Vampire Knight - Memories 1
Verschijningsdatum: 2017
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781421594309
Scenarist(en): Hino, Matsuri
Tekenaar(s): Hino, Matsuri
Genre(s): Fantasy, Shoujo/shojo, Young Adult
Uitgever: Viz Media

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