Berserk - Dark Horse 5 - Volume 5

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Volume 5
Berserk - Dark Horse 5
€ 16,50


He is Guts, the Black Swordsman, a warrior of legendary prowess, relentless, fearless, merciless. As cold and brutal as the iron of the massive sword he wields. Bent on revenge against the unholy forces that have branded him for sacrifice, but especially on Griffith, one of the demon lords of the Godhand. But Griffith was once a man, the leader of the Hawks, a renowned cadre of elite fighters with a young Guts as its fiercest champion. Though forged in a crucible of cruelty and violence, nothing could prepare Guts for a confrontation with Nosferatu Zodd, a superhuman beast who slaughters Guts, comrades as easily as a scythe cuts wheat. Even Guts and Griffith are no match for the abominations power, but something Griffith wears around his neck may well be!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Berserk
Reeks/Deel: Berserk - Dark Horse 5
Verschijningsdatum: 2004
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781593072513
Scenarist(en): Miura, Kentaro
Tekenaar(s): Miura, Kentaro
Genre(s): Actie, Manga
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
6. Volume 6
7. Volume 7
8. Volume 8
9. Volume 9
10. Volume 10
14. Volume 14
15. Volume 15
16. Volume 16
17. Volume 17
18. Volume 18
19. Volume 19
21. Volume 21
22. Volume 22
23. Volume 23
24. Volume 24
25. Volume 25
26. Volume 26
27. Volume 27
28. Volume 28
29. Volume 29
30. Volume 30
31. Volume 31
32. Volume 32
33. Volume 33
34. Volume 34
35. Volume 35
36. Volume 36
38. Volume 38
39. Volume 39
40. Volume 40
41. Volume 41

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